Importing Stories into Planning Poker®
Step 1: Export .XML or .CSV File from Jira
Step 2: Import File into

Exporting Stories from Planning Poker® into Jira
Step 1: Export .CSV File from
Step 2: Import .CSV File into Jira

Note: you must be a PRO plan user to access this functionality. upgrade to PRO here >

Importing Stories into Planning Poker®

Step 1: Export .XML File from Jira

In Jira Server/Data Center you can go to the top navigator bar and choose Issues → Search for issues.

In Jira Cloud, the top navigation bar has this under Filters → Advanced issues search.

Once you have entered the search criteria and returned the issues you want, on the upper right-hand side, select “Export XML” and choose XML in the dropdown.


This will display the XML content in a new browser window; to save it, right-click anywhere inside the XML page and select ‘Save As…’ to download the file. You’re ready to move the stories into

[Note that XML files exported by Jira will occasionally have errors that prevent importing into PlanningPoker® – if this occurs, you can try exporting to CSV instead, then edit the CSV file in Excel or another spreadsheet to manipulate the columns until they match the sample CSV exactly]

Step 2: Import XML into Planning Poker®

Click the Import Stories tab on the Create Game page. Choose your new XML file to import.

Once the file is chosen, click Get Stories.

Congratulations! You’ve imported your Jira stories. You can reorder, edit and delete them in this view.

You’ll be able to go into the Info tab during a game to edit these fields as well.

Exporting Stories from Planning Poker® into Jira

CSV Export from Planning Poker®
When your game is finished, open the View Results Pop-up from the Dealer Action Bar. (It may also popup automatically after the final story’s cards have flipped.)

Click the Export button. This will automatically download a .CSV of your game’s story list to your computer.

You’re ready to move the stories back into Jira.

Import .CSV File into Jira

In Jira, Click Projects –> Import External Project.


Select Import from Comma-Separated Values (CSV).

Choose your new .CSV file downloaded from your game and hit Next.

Choose the correct project to import your Planning Poker® stories and hit Next.

Match the CSV column titles to the appropriate Jira fields and hit Next.

You’re ready. Click Begin Import.

Head back into your project to ensure everything mapped correctly.

Congratulations, your stories are imported! 🙂